E. T. Enterprises is a multi-faceted consulting company with expertise in the area of science. ETE provides services while partnering with school districts, schools, superintendents, principals, teachers, parents, students, and educational agencies.
I. Professional Development (PD) Workshops (weekday, weekend, after school)
Description: Professional services designed for teacher and administrators including curriculum writing and standard alignment, disaggregation of data for success tracking; assessment for learning, high yield, and
grouping strategies training; classroom management, campus improvement.
II. Teacher Coaching & Mentoring (TCM) (during the school day)
Description: Designed for teachers and students. Includes modeling of lessons in alignment with pacing calendars, local, state and national standards, student expectations, and ELPs. Provides teacher support,lesson formatting and feedback, content accuracy through hands-on, inquiry-based, and project-based learning that transitions standard lessons to manipulative and cooperative delivery.
III. Semester/Yearly Packages (based on full day, may combine PD, TCM and Tutoring)
8-10 days
11-15 days
16-20 days
21-25 days
26-30 days
31-35 days
36-40 days
41-45 days
46-50 days
IV. Home School Program
Hourly curriculum for homeschooled students customized to meet their individual needs. Contracts are
tailor-made to meet each individual student at their point of need and at their pace. Support available in
Reading, Math, and Science. Hourly, weekly, monthly and semester packages available.
V. Tutorials
Hourly intervention for struggling students or those that simply want to stay ahead of the game.
• Private sessions for tailor made One-on-One targeted intervention. Contracted directly through student.
• Corporate sessions for schools and public programs. Houursly rate dependent upon contracts terms.
More Services
Classroom/Lab Design
Data Analysis
Curriculum Design
Development of Professional Learning Communities
Observe Instruction with Constructive Feedback
Campus based training
Student Learning Support
Professional Development Workshops
Classroom Management Strategies
Student Tutorials
Teacher & Administrator Coaching, Training and Mentoring
School Culture and Team Building
Assessment Development
Train the Trainer Model
Classroom Observations and Evaluations
Program Evaluation Assessments
Curriculum Alignment Design
Leadership Performance Coaching
Parent Involvement Programs
Dropout Prevention
College and Career Counseling